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School Ethos
‘Learning Today for the World of Tomorrow’
Pen Field International School is a happy, secure, friendly and welcoming school, with a true family atmosphere, in which all staff and students are positive, caring and optimistic – and they smile! The staff, management and students alike enjoy what they do and do it very well. Our school community has high expectations, in terms of both achievement and behavior, and everyone is expected to do their best and to use their special gifts and talents, at their own particular level. At Penfield International School, all members of the school family and the contributions they make to the school are greatly valued. Courtesy and politeness is expected at all times, and people are always acknowledged and thanked for what they do. ‘Care’, ‘tolerance’, ‘trust’ and ‘respect’ are very important to us. Our ethos is based on our Values of: self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, solidarity., we believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
Our Headteacher’s vision and goal is to achieve:
“Excellence in teaching and learning, achieved through an enjoyable and professional whole community team effort following clearly defined goals, which recognises and values the uniqueness and achievement of every child, and respects the dignity of all.”
Outstanding leadership and management is a key factor contributing to the school’s success. The head teacher provides excellent leadership and educational direction. She is extremely well supported by senior staff and subject leaders who all make a valuable contribution to the school’s high performance. The school has an accurate view of how well it is doing and has taken highly effective action to bring about improvements where necessary. An extremely positive atmosphere pervades the school and there is a clear commitment from staff to maintaining high standards and providing a high quality education for all students.’